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We, at Astute Business Partners are committed to safeguarding the confidentiality and security of your data and personal information.
Physical Security
Clear Desktop Policy
Clean Desk Policy
Limited External Driver Access
Secured & Restricted Backup Storages
Cyber Security
Anti-virus systems in place
VPN Usage
Firewalls in place
Secure Password Management
Encrypted shared drives
Encrypted email servers
Our team is provided with up-to-date training on information security, data breaches and privacy policies, as your data is paramount to us.
We are guided by the Australian Privacy Policy Principles (APPs).
Information we receive and obtain from you is exclusively used for the purpose of catering advice document processing and creation. We hold data with utmost care and have relevant data security measures in place to safeguard your personal information.
We are bound by the terms and conditions set out in our confidentiality agreements signed before commencing work.
Privacy Policy
We are always happy to answer any of your queries on data security and privacy policies, as we value your privacy just as ours.
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